To understand myself and my work as a dog photographer, you first need to know about Poppy.

If you are already following me on social media, you would likely be familiar with Pops. However, for those who aren't… Poppy is my dog, a rescue from Spain. Long story short, my family and I went on holiday and returned with a new furry family member.

I have always had a passion for animals and found joy in photographing them. Though initially I was drawn to wildlife photography, I found myself wanting to capture moments with deeper personal significance. That's when I shifted my focus to photographing the animals that we share our lives with—our beloved pets. 

Since then Poppy has played a crucial role in my journey. Being in the studio with her is my favourite way to ignite creativity. When I reach for my camera, she wags her tail as she anticipates treats, displaying her love for being photographed. I hope your dog will enjoy the experience just as much!

I am new to the dog photography world and so I am still learning. For this reason my services are currently offered at a lower rate and will increase as I grow. Please visit my photoshoot enquiries page to find out how you can book your dog a shoot.

Poppy is a survivor of canine parvovirus, which is highly contagious and fatal disease which particularly effects puppies. With the deadliness of the virus and the limited financial support dog shelters in Spain have, she is very lucky to be alive. Because of this, it is my dream to raise money for dog shelters abroad. Until I am able to achieve this I have been trying to help dogs in the UK.

In 2022 I visited RSPCA Coventry & District a couple times, as a volunteer I photographed their dogs and cats for their websites to help their animals find forever homes. I am continuing helping these animals by raising money for RSPCA Coventry & District using my Photography Postcards (click here to find out more).

Other Achievements & Highlights

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours Photography Degree - Nottingham Trent University - Awarded 1ST Class Honours 2021-2024

  • AOP - Association of Photographers Student Competition Finalist

  • NTU Photography Exhibition - May 2024

  • Local Exhibition in Newark - August 2024

  • Animal Aiders Dog First Aid Training Course 2024

  • RSPCA Coventry & District Branch volunteer Photographer and Fundraiser, producing photos used on their website.

  • Collaborative Photographer on a project for Manfrotto & Nottingham Trent University.

  • A* in Photography at Alevel & GCSE